
genesys aerosystemsAutopilots

As a certified Genesys Aerosysystems (formerly S-Tec) and Century Flight Systems service center the Skye Avionics Team is ready to meet your autopilot needs. 

Skye Avionics is able to offer sales, installation of new autopilot systems, upgrading of your existing system or troubleshooting and repair.

S-TEC_5000 autopilots

century flight systems

With the advancement of helisas and autopilot systems there are many autopilot upgrade and installation options. We can help you plan your upgrade or installation, and due to our experience we can perform accomplish the project in a timely manner and cost effectively, within your budget.

For Quality, Honesty and Dedication you can trust the Skye Avionics Team to deliver.

About Genesys AerosystemsS-TEC_System40 autopilots

Since 1978 S-Tec has shipped over 40,000 autopilot systems. They offer a very comprehensive full line of autopilots for airplanes and helicopters. From low cost analog wing levelers to sophisticated, digital, three-axis systems with Flight Director and envelope protection, S-TEC has FAA certification for nearly 1,000 aircraft types and has delivered over 40,000 autopilot systems. The company’s new HeliSAS brings digital, full-authority autopilot technology to the market in a package weighing an unprecedented 15 lbs. Available as a stability augmentation system only or with all autopilot modes, HeliSAS dramatically enhances safety for light single- and twin-engine helicopters

About Century Flight Systems

Century Flight Systems is a world class leader for aircraft autopilot systems. They have been manufacturing world-class autopilot systems and aircraft instrumentation since 1983.

There are significant improvements that you can gain by updating your aircraft with a modern instrumentation and flight control systems. Century Flight Systems continues to work diligently, bringing increased safety- and performance-enhancing technology to more and more aircraft.

Documentation and Brochures:

HeliSAS Technical Overview-Genesys

Genesys Aerosystems HeliSAS Brochure

Genesys Aerosystems HeliSAS for R44 Data Sheet

Genesys Aerosystems Yaw Damper Data Sheet

Genesys Aerosystems S-TEC 5000 Brochure